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K2Q Capital Limited (Investment Advisor)

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Hedge Fund Manager


London UK

Alternative Asset Classes




Firm Ownership


Investment Team Staff

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K2Q Capital Limited (K2Q Capital) is a London based systematic Japanese Equity Investment Advisor founded and run by Aman Oberoi. Magne-Max Capital, founded and run by Professor Katsuhiko Okada works very closely with K2Q Capital in research and development. Mr Oberoi and Mr Okada have worked together since 2011, and known each other since 1994. Mr Oberoi has been trading Japanese equities in various capacities since 1989, including starting and running Citibank’s Japanese Equity derivatives business. In his most recent position he was a Senior MD and member of the Executive Committee at Mizuho International Plc, London. He has a B. S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Duke University and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mr Okada is a tenured Professor of Finance at Kwansei Gakuin University and his research interest is in behavioural asset pricinG, he co-founded a hedge fund management firm (Halberdier Capital) in Singapore in 1997. Mr Okada has served as president of academic associations such as ABEF and JFA and publishes influential papers regarding asset management in Japan. He holds an MBA from Washington University John M Olin School of Business and a PhD in financial economics from Kobe University. The firm was established in June 2016 and is managed by Aman Oberoi. K2Q Capital Limited is an Appointed Representative of Sturgeon Ventures LLP. Sturgeon Ventures LLP is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed Funds Raised in Last 10 Years Est. Dry Powder Strategies
Private Equity - -
Real Estate - -
Private Debt - -
Infrastructure - -
Natural Resources - -
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed AuM Date of AuM Strategies
Hedge Funds 1 Directional

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2 Known Decision Makers

Contact Name Position Location Email Telephone Asset Class
Operations London, UK HF
Founder,Chief Executive Officer & Portfolio Manager London, UK HF

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2 Hedge Funds Managed

Fund Name Share Classes Inception Date Core Strategy Status Latest AUM
Long/Short Equity Liquidated
Directional Active

Showing 2 of 2 hedge funds managed by K2Q Capital Limited (Investment Advisor)

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