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Lansdowne Partners (UK)

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Hedge Fund Manager


London UK

Alternative Asset Classes


17 Known Decision Makers

Contact Name Position Location Email Telephone Asset Class
Investor Relations & ESG London, UK HF
Investor Relations London, UK HF
Co-Managing Partner & Chair of Management Committee London, UK HF
Business Development & Investor Relations London, UK HF
Partner London, UK HF

Showing 5 of 17 known decision makers at Lansdowne Partners (UK)

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19 Hedge Funds Managed

Fund Name Share Classes Inception Date Core Strategy Status Latest AUM
1 Long/Short Equity Active
1 Alternative Long Only, Long Bias Active
Long/Short Equity Liquidated
1 Long/Short Equity Liquidated
Alternative Long Only Active

Showing 5 of 19 hedge funds managed by Lansdowne Partners (UK)

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54 Known Investors

Investor Number of Funds Type City Country Asset Class
3 Fund of Hedge Funds Manager HF
1 Foundation HF
1 Fund of Hedge Funds Manager HF
1 Private Sector Pension Fund HF
1 Fund of Hedge Funds Manager HF

Showing 5 of 54 known investors in Lansdowne Partners (UK) funds

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