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Private Equity Firm


Gyeonggi-do South Korea

Alternative Asset Classes




Firm Ownership

Captive Arm – Corporate

Investment Team Staff

Total Staff

Established in 2012, Kakao Ventures is an independent vc subsidiary of Kakao Corp that primarily invests into pre-seed and seed stage startups. The firm also provides support for nascent companies and is known as founder friendly VC in South Korea. In March 2015, Kakao Ventures was acquired by Kakao Corp. It is currently the start-up investment arm of Kakao Corp, but maintains full independence as a GP company. The firm mainly invests globally and domestically across artificial intelligence, healthcare and information technology sectors.
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed Funds Raised in Last 10 Years Est. Dry Powder Strategies
Private Equity 9 Early Stage, Early Stage: Seed, Early Stage: Start-up, Expansion / Late Stage, Venture (General)
Real Estate - -
Private Debt - -
Infrastructure - -
Natural Resources - -
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed AuM Date of AuM Strategies
Hedge Funds 0 -

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10 Known Decision Makers

Contact Name Position Location Email Telephone Asset Class
Associate Gyeonggi-do, South Korea PE VC
Chief Executive Officer & Partner Gyeonggi-do, South Korea PE VC
Director Gyeonggi-do, South Korea PE VC
Director Gyeonggi-do, South Korea PE
Executive Director Gyeonggi-do, South Korea PE

Showing 5 of 10 known decision makers at Kakao Ventures

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11 Private Capital Funds Managed

Fund Name Vintage Strategy Status Fund Structure Closed Size (MN) Target Size (MN) Primary Region Focus
Venture (General) Announced Commingled Asia
Venture (General) Closed Commingled Asia
Venture (General) Closed Commingled Asia
Venture (General) Closed Commingled Asia
Venture (General) Closed Commingled Asia

Showing 5 of 11 private capital fund managed by Kakao Ventures

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18 Known Investors

Investor Number of Funds Type City Country Asset Class
2 Foundation PE VC
1 Bank PE VC
1 Insurance Company PE VC
2 Bank PE VC
2 Private Equity Fund of Funds Manager PE VC

Showing 5 of 18 known investors in Kakao Ventures funds

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