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Luxembourg Luxembourg

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CVC started out as a subsidiary of Citigroup under the name Citicorp Venture Capital. In 1993 the management team purchased the division and spun out to form CVC Capital Partners, a global private equity and investment advisory firm with a network of offices across Europe, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific regions. CVC's alternatives platform comprises seven strategies; Europe & the Americas, Asia, Growth Partners, Strategic Opportunities, Credit, Secondaries through CVC Secondaries (previously Glendower Capital), and Infrastructure through DIF Capital Partners. The Europe & Americas strategy seeks to invest in cash-generative businesses located across the Americas and Europe that occupy defensible market positions, generate predictable cash flows, and possess a diversified customer base. The Asia-focused strategy makes control, co-control, and structured minority investments in businesses that benefit from the local rising middle class and other demographic and secular trends in the region. CVC Growth Partners, launched in 2014, is focused on high-growth companies operating in the software and tech-enabled business services sectors, primarily targeting North American and European investments. CVC's Strategic Opportunities platform targets North American and European businesses that may not suit a traditional private equity mandate. CVC Credit Partners (CCP), established in 2006, is a debt manager whose service combines industry practice across origination, investment and credit evaluation, portfolio management, and trading. CVC Credit Partners manage private debt and special situations funds, as well as hedge funds. CCP aims to work with investors to deliver risk-adjusted returns. The firm provides tailored, flexible, and value-added solutions for investors seeking access to speculative-grade credit instruments. CCP is experienced in sourcing, evaluating, managing, and monitoring credit across the spectrum of sub-investment grade products. It has the ability to offer investment management in loans, bonds, subordinated debt, specialized situations, and structured credit. In January 2022 CVC entered into a merger and strategic partnership with London-headquartered secondary fund manager Glendower Capital, creating its new CVC Secondaries strategy. AUM for CVC's Secondaries strategy (€14bn as of 30 June 2024) is counted under CVC Secondaries Partners' firm profile (previously Glendower Capital's profile), and has been deducted from the AUM figures on CVC's profile. In September 2023, CVC announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Amsterdam-based DIF Capital Partners, an infrastructure manager focused on core, build-to-core, and core-plus funds. DIF will continue to be led by its own management and will retain independence over its operations and investment decisions. AUM for CVC's Infrastructure strategy (€18bn as of 30 June 2024) is counted under DIF Capital Partners' firm profile, and has been deducted from the AUM figures on CVC's profile.
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed Funds Raised in Last 10 Years Est. Dry Powder Strategies
Private Equity 25 Buyout, Divestiture, Expansion / Late Stage, Growth, Management Buy-in, Management Buyout, Privatisation, Public to Private, Restructuring, Secondaries, Turnaround
Real Estate - -
Private Debt 11 CLOs, Direct Lending, Distressed Debt, Mezzanine, Special Situations, Blended / Opportunistic Debt, Senior Debt, Unitranche Debt
Infrastructure - -
Natural Resources - -
Asset Class No. of Funds Currently Managed AuM Date of AuM Strategies
Hedge Funds 4 Long/Short Equity, Multi-Strategy, Special Situations

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351 Known Decision Makers

Contact Name Position Location Email Telephone Asset Class
Investor Relations London, UK PE
Analyst Luxembourg, Luxembourg PE VC
Analyst Mumbai, India PE VC
Analyst & Member of CVC South Korea Team Seoul, South Korea PE VC
Analyst & Member of Benelux Team Brussels, Belgium PE VC

Showing 5 of 351 known decision makers at CVC

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40 Private Capital Funds Managed

Fund Name Vintage Strategy Status Fund Structure Closed Size (MN) Target Size (MN) Primary Region Focus
Special Situations Announced Commingled Europe
Direct Lending - Senior Debt First Close Commingled Europe
Buyout First Close Commingled Europe
Buyout Closed Commingled Europe
Growth First Close Commingled Europe

Showing 5 of 40 private capital fund managed by CVC

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18 Hedge Funds Managed

Fund Name Share Classes Inception Date Core Strategy Status Latest AUM
Special Situations Active
Special Situations Liquidated
Special Situations Liquidated
Special Situations Liquidated

Showing 5 of 18 hedge funds managed by CVC

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284 Known Investors

Investor Number of Funds Type City Country Asset Class
2 Fund of Funds Manager PE
4 Private Sector Pension Fund PE
1 Private Sector Pension Fund PE
1 Private Equity Fund of Funds Manager PE
5 Fund of Funds Manager PE

Showing 5 of 284 known investors in CVC funds

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