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Year established



Tokyo Japan

Primary Industry



Based in Tokyo, Japan, established in 2005, the company sells watches, shirts, suits, shoes, ties, jeans and other products but are packaged and marketed as "experiences". Customers buy "tickets" which are then gifted, and the receiver can exchange their ticket for their choice of product from a catalogue. The ticket prices range from JPY3-9.9 thousand, JPY10-19.9 thousand, JPY 20-29.9 thousand and JPY 30 thousand and above. Tickets have specific themes depending on their intended use such as “Mother’s Day”, “Anniversary” or as “Relax” or specified receiver such as “Sister”, “Male friend” or “Couple”, but customized tickets are also offered. As of September 2020, the company posted around JPY 1.3 billion in sales and around JPY 100 million in profit for the fiscal year. The company has recently been acquired by giftee Inc.
Primary Industry
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