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EnergyX Solutions Inc.

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Year established



Toronto ON Canada

Primary Industry



Founded in 2016 and based in Ontario, Canada, EnergyX Solutions Inc. is a technology company that develops an online energy audit platform that enables users to qualify for energy efficiency programs. Nishaant Sangaavi (CEO) and Alex Corneglio (CTO) are the co-founders of the company. In February 2024, Apogee Interactive acquired EnergyX Solutions Inc.  The company’s primary product includes the MyEnergyXpert, which is designed to streamline and enhance energy-saving initiatives by automating customer targeting, enrollment, and program management. MyEnergyXpert facilitates real-time tracking of customer interactions through a dashboard, overseeing the entire process from audits to retrofits and payments. The firm also provides actionable recommendations for program optimization.
Current Investors
Impact Investment Partners, Globalive Capital, Verstra Ventures

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Primary Industry
Sub Industries
Analytics & Performance Software, Application Integration Software, Customer Relationship Management
Cloud Computing, Mobile Apps
Company Stage
Early Stage
Total Amount Raised
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