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Year established



Bandung Indonesia

Primary Industry

Environmental Services


Based in Bandung, Indonesia, founded in 2021 by Jonathan Davy (CEO), and Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano, Ecoxyztem operates as an environmental service company that focuses on assisting Ecopreneurs in responding to the climate challenge through the use of technology or ClimateTech. In October 2022, Ecoxyztem raised venture funding from Pegasus Tech Ventures, TAP Applied Agri Services, and Konservasi Hutan Indonesia, with participation from individual investors. Ecoxyztem provides programs such as X-Seed, an online platform for students and the general public to learn about green business and business strategies, where users can obtain e-certificates and professional-prepared material. Furthermore, the company assists startups by offering a two-month clean-tech training program. The company plans to use the October 2022 funding as working capital to develop at least four startups every year.
Current Investors
Pegasus Tech Ventures, TAP Applied Agri Services, Konservasi Hutan Indonesia

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Primary Industry
Environmental Services
Sub Industries
Pollution Control, Green IT
Clean Technology
Company Stage
Early Stage
Total Amount Raised
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