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Carbonext Tecnologia Em Solucoes Ambientais LTDA

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Year established



Sao Paulo SP Brazil

Primary Industry

Environmental Services


Based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and founded in 2010 by CEO and co-founder Luciano Correa da Fonseca, Carbonext Tecnologia Em Solucoes Ambientais LTDA, a.k.a. Carbonext is a carbon credit developer that runs preservation projects across more than 2 million hectares (4.9 million acres) of the Amazon Forest that are owned by companies seeking to capitalize on the carbon credit market. In July 2022, Carbonext raised USD 40 million from Shell Oil Company. Carbonext assists companies in the fields of climate change and GHG emissions offsetting, buying and selling carbon credits, developing projects that could generate carbon credits, and supporting local communities whose livelihoods depend on the Amazon rainforest. The company trades carbon credits globally on the voluntary market through the connection between supply (landowners) and demand (companies and individuals). Carbonext plans to use its proceeds from July 2022 funding to help in the development and monitoring of forest preservation projects and to enable the creation of new business frontiers for the company such as bio-economy and reforestation in the Amazon Forest.
Current Investors
Canary, Alexia Ventures, Fitpart Global Fund Services

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Primary Industry
Environmental Services
Sub Industries
Environmental Services
Clean Technology
Company Stage
Series A
Total Amount Raised
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